The Beautiful Aroma of the Trinity

Sermon for Sunday, May 31, 2015
Trinity Sunday

Galeries Lafayette, Paris

This morning’s sermon may at times seem like it’s about the Nicene Creed, but it’s really about the Trinity; and more specifically, the role the Trinity can play in our lives, if we let it.  In just a moment we’ll get to the Creed and the Trinity, but first I’d like to begin with perfume.

Several years ago when Ashley and I were in Paris to celebrate our tenth anniversary, we stopped at the Galeries Lafayette department store.  To call the Galeries Lafayette a “department store” is really not fair, because it’s more than a department store.  Its Belle Epoque (1893) architecture is stunning, and it’s considered a Paris heritage site.  From its over-the-top façade to its multi-colored glass dome to its Art Nouveau staircase, the Galeries Lafayette is an amazing building, itself worth a trip to the 9th arrondissement.  It has a superb shoe department, women’s handbags to die for, a really – REALLY – good food court, and the perfume selection…. OMG.  Neither of us is into perfumes, but we went from one astonishing fragrance to the next, smelling brands and formulas I had never heard of but whose scents hinted of romance and exotic places.  This one was definitely a citrus-y fragrance; that one an herbally-lavender.    This one must have had some sandalwood in it; that one, cinnamon and maybe nutmeg.  I had never paid much attention to perfume, but that afternoon of smelling was an astonishing, overwhelmingly beautiful experience. Continue reading